Fund Sentinel
Fund Sentinel
Fund Sentinel is a fund Directors’ & Officers’ Liability (D&O) insurance policy specifically designed to offer broad coverage, at competitive premiums, with a quick and simple purchasing process.
The online portal makes it very simple to generate fund insurance quotes and buy-and-bind policies in a matter of minutes.
Key elements of the cover provided by Fund Sentinel include:
- Market leading wording. A wording policy specifically designed to protect directors and officers of funds.
- Market leading insurers. Lloyd’s of London insurers with S&P AA- rating and first class claim service.
- Primary basis of policy. Meaning the policy will respond in the first instance in the event of a claim.
- Central repository. All quotes and documentation are provided via email and are accessible on the portal.
- Significantly reduced deductibles only applies to claims originating from the US/Canada so if the unforeseeable occurs, you pay less toward a claim.
- Lifetime retired directorship cover giving you peace of mind when you decide to resign from the board.
- Additional independent NED cover. More cover for non-executive or independent directors when the main limit is exhausted.
- Difference in conditions clause. By moving your insurance to Fund Sentinel, this guarantees you will not have any reduction in cover from your previous policy.
- Ability to include D&O cover for the manager. The manager can be included at significantly reduced premiums (where there is one fund) instead of purchasing separate manager cover.
- Ability to include entity cover for the fund. Insurers will pay on behalf of the company for any claim arising against the entity rather than a director or officer.
- Ability to cover GP/LP structures – including professional indemnity insurance. Fund Sentinel has been specifically developed to provide a General Partner (“GP”) with seamless protection against all exposures faced when operating in the context of a limited partnership structure.
- Become a member of Sentinel. Gain increased leverage with insurers and benefit from fund insurance analytics and sector updates to help guide you through the insurance purchasing process.
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Get in touch today
To discuss Fund Sentinel and your D&O requirements, contact our team today.
Key contacts
Louise Young
+44 (0) 7543 218 831
Sophie Pritchard
+44 (0) 7824 895 247
Shaun Butler
+ 44 (0) 7810 334 618
Chris Jackson
+ 44 (0) 7867 806 145
Adam Campbell
+ 44 (0) 7443 061 056