Price Forbes appointed Aircraft Builders Council Coordinating Broker
We are pleased to announce we have been appointed the Coordinating Broker for Aircraft Builders Council (ABC). We will be working closely with ABC and will be responsible for negotiating the structure of the ABC’s program, which is designed to provide aviation products liability for manufacturers of aircraft component parts.
We appreciate the strength and tenacity our partners have shown over the past year. The members of The Brokers Committee, the ABC Program Underwriters and my fellow Board Members continue to work together, sharing a common goal, to benefit the manufacturers in the aviation industry.
The ABC President, Joe Gaug
We are extremely proud to have been appointed by the ABC Board of Trustees and grateful to look after the aviation market’s highly regarded and longest-running aviation products liability program. We are delighted that David Sales has joined us as Executive Director continuing his ABC responsibilities and also Ian Macfarlane, as ABC Program Director, running the ABC Office at Price Forbes.
Tarcan Erisen, Head of Aviation & Space at Price Forbes